Preservation Recipes

  1. Thumbnail for Strawberry Lemonade Concentrate

    Strawberry Lemonade Concentrate

    This is the perfect drink for a hot summer day! It has the perfect balance of sweet and tart which your whole family will love!
  2. Thumbnail for Raspberry Jam Recipe

    Raspberry Jam Recipe

    If you want a raspberry jam recipe that is perfectly sweet but not too sweet this is the recipe for you
  3. Thumbnail for Tomato Ketchup

    Tomato Ketchup

    The perfect tomato ketchup!
  4. Thumbnail for Tomatillo Jalapeño Hot Sauce

    Tomatillo Jalapeño Hot Sauce

    If you are anything like me you need hot sauce on anything and everything! This is a great go-to recipe that is bright and delicious!
  5. Thumbnail for Plum Jam

    Plum Jam

    Plum jam is so rich and delicious with the perfect balance of tart and sweet!
  6. Thumbnail for Summer Salsa

    Summer Salsa

    This summer in a jar. You can eat it fresh or can it up! It has the perfect balance of heat and zing! So so good!
  7. Thumbnail for Water Glassing Eggs

    Water Glassing Eggs

    Fresh eggs are just as seasonal as anything else on the homestead. Chickens lay most of their eggs in spring and summer and almost completely stop laying in the winter. Water glassing eggs is a great way to preserve eggs in their whole form for winter.
  8. Thumbnail for Cranberry Sauce

    Cranberry Sauce

    Put down the store-bought canned cranberry sauce because homemade cranberry sauce is so easy and oh so good! This recipe is the perfect balance of sweet and tangy!
  9. Thumbnail for Tomatillo Salsa Verde

    Tomatillo Salsa Verde

    I love this recipe because it can be used for chips and dip or you can use it as the green sauce for enchiladas! It has the perfect balance of heat and zing! So so good!
  10. Thumbnail for Homemade Sriracha

    Homemade Sriracha

    I don’t know about you but sriracha is my go-to hot sauce! I can’t get enough. I am so excited to bring to you homemade sriracha that is out of this world!