Make-Ahead Recipes

  1. Thumbnail for Baked Beef Taquitos

    Baked Beef Taquitos

    DinnerMake-AheadMexican Cuisine
    Savor the savory delight of beef and salsa verde taquitos – succulent seasoned beef nestled inside golden tortillas, perfectly complemented by the freshness of vibrant salsa verde. These taquitos offer a mouthwatering blend of tender beef and tangy salsa, creating a satisfying culinary experience with every bite.
  2. Thumbnail for Buffalo Chicken Taquitos

    Buffalo Chicken Taquitos

    DinnerMake-AheadMexican Cuisine
    Indulge in the fiery fusion of flavors with these buffalo chicken taquitos tender shredded chicken coated in zesty buffalo sauce, rolled into crispy tortillas, and served with a cool ranch dipping sauce for the perfect spicy and savory snack. A tantalizing twist on traditional taquitos, these bites pack a punch of heat that'll leave your taste buds craving more.
  3. Thumbnail for Bacon English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich

    Bacon English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich

    The Bacon English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich features a hearty combination of crispy bacon, fluffy scrambled eggs, and melted cheddar cheese, all nestled between two perfectly toasted English muffin halves. This delicious creation offers a satisfying blend of savory flavors and textures that make for a delightful and filling breakfast experience.
  4. Thumbnail for Sausage Croissant Breakfast Sandwich

    Sausage Croissant Breakfast Sandwich

    The Sausage Croissant Breakfast Sandwich features a flavorful sausage patty nestled within a soft croissant, offering a satisfying combination of savory and buttery notes that's sure to please your taste buds.
  5. Thumbnail for Chipotle Baked Chicken Taquitos

    Chipotle Baked Chicken Taquitos

    DinnerMake-AheadMexican Cuisine
    These baked taquitos are savory tortilla rolls filled with tender shredded chicken, infused with smoky chipotle flavors, and perfectly baked until crispy and golden. You can expect a delicious blend of spice and comfort in every bite! These taquitos offer a delightful balance of zesty heat and comforting textures, making them a satisfying snack or meal option.
  6. Thumbnail for Korean Style Flanken Short Ribs

    Korean Style Flanken Short Ribs

    This is a great summer BBQ dinner!
  7. Thumbnail for Honey Chipotle Marinade

    Honey Chipotle Marinade

    MarinadeDinnerMain DishesMake-AheadChicken
    This marinate is packed full of amazing flavor! It's a great balance of sweet and spicy!
  8. Thumbnail for Beef Enchiladas

    Beef Enchiladas

    CasseroleMexican CuisineBeefDinnerMake-Ahead
    This dish works perfectly as a freezer meal.
  9. Thumbnail for Breakfast Burritos

    Breakfast Burritos

  10. Thumbnail for Sloppy Joe’s

    Sloppy Joe’s

    This is a family favorite! It is so comforting and delicious!